Data protection policy
This is the data protection policy of Univer Comercial B2B. It refers to the data it deals with in the exercise of its commercial activities of providing different advertising and communication services, complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016).
Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?
The person responsible for the processing of personal data is Univer Comercial B2b, with CIF: B56897903 address at Carrer Llibertat, 165 3C, 17820 - Banyoles, tel. 972 07 67 62, email address,
Who is the Data Protection Officer?
The Data Protection Officer (DPD) is the person who oversees compliance with Univer Comercial B2B's data protection policy, ensuring that personal data is treated appropriately and that people's rights are protected. Among its functions is to attend to any doubt, suggestion, complaint or claim of the people whose data is processed. You can contact the Data Protection representative by writing to Univer Comercial B2B, Carrer Llibertat, 165 3C, 17820 - Banyoles, tel. 972 07 67 62 or to the email address
For what purpose do we process the data?
A Univer tractem les dades personals per a les següents finalitats.
Atendre les consultes de les persones que contacten amb nosaltres per mitjà de formularis de contacte de la nostra pàgina web. Els utilitzem únicament per aquesta finalitat.
Atenció telefònica.
Atendre telefònicament les persones que es posen en contacte amb nosaltres per aquesta via. Per oferir més qualitat en el servei les converses es poden enregistrar advertint-ho prèviament a la persona amb qui ens comuniquem.
Selecció de personal.
Recepció de currículums vitae que ens adrecen persones interessades en treballar amb nosaltres i gestió de les dades personals que es generen per la participació en els processos de selecció de personal, amb la finalitat d’analitzar l’adequació del perfil dels candidats en funció dels llocs vacants o de nova creació. El nostre criteri és conservar durant un termini màxim d’un any també les dades de les persones que no acabin essent contractades, per si a curt termini es produeix una nova vacant o nou lloc de treball. No obstant, en aquest darrer cas, eliminem immediatament les dades si la persona interessada ens ho demana.
Serveis als clients.
Registrar els nous clients i les dades addicionals que es puguin generar com a resultat de la relació comercial amb els clients. En el procés de contractació es demanen les dades imprescindibles, entre les quals han de figurar dades bancàries (número de compte corrent o de targeta de crèdit) que seran comunicades a entitats bancàries que gestionen el cobrament (únicament els poden utilitzar amb aquesta finalitat). La relació de prestació de serveis comporta altres tractaments, com ara incorporar les dades a la comptabilitat, la facturació o informació a l’administració tributària.
Informació dels nostres serveis.
Mentre existeix relació contractual amb els seus clients DANIELA ALEXANDRA TAMAS RUS fa servir les seves dades de contacte per comunicar informació pròpia d’aquesta relació, informació que podrà circumstancialment incloure referències dels nostres serveis, ja siguin de caràcter general o referits més específicament a les característiques i necessitats del client.
Other product and service information.
With the explicit authorization of the clients, once the contractual relationship has ended, the contact details are kept to send advertising related to our services, general or specific information for the client's characteristics. This information is made available to those who, despite not having been a customer, ask us for it or accept it by filling out our forms.
Data management of our suppliers.
We record and process the data of the providers from whom we obtain services. It can be the data of people who act as freelancers and also data of representatives of legal entities. We obtain the essential data to maintain the commercial relationship, use them solely for this purpose and use them for this type of relationship.
Video surveillance
When entering our facilities, you are informed, where appropriate, of the existence of video surveillance cameras by means of the approved signs. The cameras record images only of the points where it is justified to guarantee the safety of goods and people and the images are used solely for this purpose.
Users of our website.
The navigation system and the software that enables the operation of our website collect the data that is normally generated in the use of Internet protocols. This category of data includes, among others, the IP address or domain name of the computer used by the person connecting to the website. This information is not associated with specific users and is used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information about the use of the website. Our website uses cookies that allow the identification of specific natural persons, users of the site. The use of cookies is reserved to collect technical information to facilitate accessibility and efficient use of the site. You can read more information about the use of cookies from this link.
Other channels for obtaining data.
We also obtain data through face-to-face relationships and other channels such as receiving emails, through our profiles on social networks. In all cases the data are used only for the explicit purposes that justify the collection and treatment.
What is the legal justification for data processing?
The data treatments we carry out have different legal bases, depending on the nature of each treatment.
In compliance with a pre-contractual relationship. Case of the data of potential customers or suppliers with whom we have relations prior to the formalization of a contractual relationship, such as the preparation or study of budgets). This is also the case for the processing of data from people who have sent us their CVs or who participate in selective processes.
In compliance with a contractual relationship. Case of relations with our customers and suppliers and all actions and uses that these relations entail.
In compliance with legal obligations. The communication of data to the tax administration is established by rules governing commercial relations. The case may arise of having to communicate data to judicial bodies or to bodies and security forces also in compliance with legal rules that oblige them to collaborate with these public authorities.
Based on consent. When we send information from our services, we process the contact details of the recipients with their authorization or explicit consent. The navigation data that we can obtain through cookies is obtained with the consent of the person visiting our website, which consent can be revoked at any time by uninstalling these cookies.
For legitimate interest. The images we obtain from the video surveillance cameras are processed in the legitimate interest of our company to preserve its assets and facilities. Our legitimate interest also justifies the processing of data we obtain from contact forms.
To whom is the data communicated?
As a general criterion, we only communicate data to administrations or public authorities and always in compliance with legal obligations. When issuing invoices to customers, the data can be communicated to banking entities. In justified cases we will communicate the data to the security bodies and forces or to the competent judicial bodies. No data transfers are made outside the scope of the European Union (international transfer).
In another sense, for certain tasks we obtain the services of companies or people who provide us with their experience and specialization. Sometimes these external companies have to access personal data under our responsibility. It is not actually a transfer of data but a processing order. We only contract services from companies that guarantee compliance with data protection regulations. At the time of recruitment, their obligations of confidentiality are formalized and their performance is monitored. This may be the case of data hosting services, IT support services or legal, accounting or tax advice.
How long do we keep the data?
We comply with the legal obligation to limit the retention period of the data as much as possible. For this reason, they are kept only for the time necessary and justified by the purpose that motivated their acquisition. In certain cases, such as the data appearing in the accounting documentation and invoicing, the tax regulations oblige to keep them until they no longer prescribe the responsibilities in this matter.
In the case of data that are processed based on the consent of the person concerned, they are kept until this person revokes this consent. The images obtained by the video surveillance cameras are kept for a maximum of one month, although in the case of incidents that justify it, they will be kept for the time necessary to facilitate the actions of the security bodies and forces or the judicial bodies.
What rights do people have in relation to the data we process?
According to the General Data Protection Regulation, the people whose data we process have the following rights:
To know if they are treated. Anyone has, in the first place, the right to know whether we process their data, regardless of whether there has been a previous relationship.
To be informed upon collection. When personal data is obtained from the interested party himself, at the time of providing it, he must have clear information about the purposes for which it will be used, who will be responsible for the treatment and the other aspects derived from this treatment.
To access it. Very broad right that includes the right to know precisely which personal data are being processed, what is the purpose for which they are being processed, the communications to other people that will be made (if applicable) or the right to obtain ne copy or to know the expected term of conservation.
To request its rectification. It is the right to have inaccurate data rectified that is the object of treatment by us.
To request its deletion. In certain circumstances there is the right to request the deletion of the data when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and justified their treatment.
Ask for the limitation of the treatment. Also in certain circumstances the right to request the limitation of data processing is recognized. In this case they will cease to be processed and will only be kept for the exercise or defense of claims, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Portability. In the cases provided for in the regulations, the right is recognized to obtain one's own personal data in a structured format of common machine-readable use, and to transmit them to another data controller if the interested person so decides .
To object to the treatment. A person can adduce reasons related to their particular situation, reasons that will lead to them ceasing to process their data to the degree or extent that may result in harm to them, except for legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense against claims.
Not to receive commercial information. We will immediately respond to requests not to continue sending commercial information to people who had previously authorized us to do so.
What rights do people have in relation to the data we process?
The rights we have just listed can be exercised by sending a written request to Univer Comercial B2B at the postal address carrer LLibertat, 195 3C, 17820 - Banyoles or through the electronic form available at, or by sending an email to, indicating in all cases "Protection of personal data".
If a satisfactory response has not been obtained in the exercise of rights, it is possible to submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through the forms or other channels accessible from its page
In all cases, whether to submit complaints, ask for clarifications or make suggestions, it is possible to contact the Data Protection Officer by sending an email to the