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- Captación de Leads | Especialistas en Marketing | Univer España
Augmenta les teves vendes amb la captació de leads i campanyes de telemàrqueting, t'ajudem a incrementar els ingressos mensuals, a tenir una cartera de clients rendible. El teu èxit és el nostre, i per això ens comprometem amb els resultats. Aumenta tus ventas con la captación de leads y nuestras campañas de telemarketing. Desde Univer nos comprometemos con tu éxito, por eso aseguramos el retorno de la inversión. We Generate Visits Quality Commercials For your Department Commercial. See more Increase your profits and customers Accelerate business processes Get to know and build loyalty with your customers Reach more sales opportunities New 2024 Study on Collective Catering in Catalonia: Key Data and Trends Collective catering is a constantly evolving sector, shaped by new regulations, consumer trends, and operational challenges. For this reason, we have prepared this exclusive study in collaboration with Restauración Colectiva to provide a comprehensive overview of the sector in Catalonia. In this report, you will find up-to-date data, in-depth analysis, and key insights to help you make better strategic decisions. Discover the real needs of the market and how your company can adapt to thrive in an increasingly demanding environment. I want it! Campaigns Telemarketing Don't wait for customers to come to you, we bring them to you. Through our strategic , personalized and results -focused campaigns, we can boost your business success . Lead generation Customer information New opportunities Event promotion Inactive customer recovery Discover more Multiply your income with high- quality leads "We are your strategic team of sales assistants, focused on achieving quality visits that drive your sales. We connect you with the most relevant opportunities to maximize your success and grow your business." Accelerate your business processes Campaigns Social Selling Don't wait for customers to come to you, we bring them to you. Through our strategic , personalized and results -focused campaigns, we can boost your business success . Lead generation New opportunities Event promotion Discover more Specialists Collective restoration Specialists Industrial sector Specialists Technology and services sector Specialists Food Sector More sales in less time See more
- Investigació de mercats | Univer Commercial Services | Girona
En el món empresarial, cada elecció estratègica pot marcar la diferència entre el creixement sostenible i l'estancament. Des d'Univer, elaborem recerques de mercats a mesura perquè prenguis decisions informades. Market research Export your potential: get opportunities and increase your sales In the business world, each strategic choice can make the difference between sustainable growth and stagnation. At Univer, we create customized market studies so you can make informed decisions . Request your quote Identification of opportunities Discover unexplored niches and emerging trends that can transform your business. Knowledge about the target Get detailed information about their needs, challenges and preferences. Competitive advantage Understand your competition and their position in the market to provide a clear vision. Methodology A proprietary work methodology created based on our ten years of experience in the market. We know how to develop market research that has a real impact on your company, these are the precise steps we carry out to guarantee results. Goal setting We define the research objectives together. We choose the most appropriate research method, determine the sample and methodology. Research design We collect all the necessary information through the selected methodology. Data collection The collective restoration in Catalonia The most comprehensive study on community services School cafeterias Hospitals Penitentiary centers Companies Residences
- Clients | Serveis Marketing | Comercial Services
Los clientes que han confiado en nosotros para nuestros servicios de telemarketing y social selling. Discover our customers We stand out for being a multi-sector commercial agency. We have moved through various sectors such as food, industrial or technological, looking for a wide range of different potential clients. What do they say about us? Our customers increase between 30% and the 100% their sales Artur Arqués | CEO Univer adapts to the specific needs of each commercial campaign. The marketing team has helped us define the commercial campaign according to the needs and characteristics of each market segment. Based on their support and proactivity in generating new commercial strategies, we have been able to achieve the previously defined objectives. Industrial Tecnològic Alimentari Farma - Cosmètica Serveis Distribució Veure més Veure més
- Ajudes Kit Digital | Captació de leads i marketing | Univer Commercial Services | Girona
Amb les ajudes que proporciona l'Eunió Europea garatnim la captació de leads a través de les campanyes de telemarketing i Social Selling. HELP DIGITAL KIT: Definition and function of cookies Digital transformation of small companies in Spain. The Digital Kit is an initiative approved by the Government of Spain that aims to support the digital transformation of small businesses in Spain. This measure has 3 billion euros from Next Generation EU funds and is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Digital Spain 2025 agenda and the SME Digitalization Plan. MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS The main objective of this solution is to promote your company on social networks. Solution price: €1,500 – €3,000 Maximum aid: 0 < 3 employees: €2,000 3 < 9 employees: €2,500 10 < 50 employees: €2,500 Services and functionalities and features: Social Media Plan: You will have a social media strategy aligned with your mission and vision, so that it is relevant and connects with your potential customers and builds loyalty among those users who are already customers. Social media monitoring: You will have the impacts of your actions on social media periodically monitored and controlled to see your results and know if you are meeting the objectives of your strategy. Network Optimization/Social Media Audit: Performance optimization, analyzing different social channels. Social network management: profile/user administration on networks. Publishing weekly posts: Publishing monthly posts on your social networks. WEBSITE AND PRESENCE ON THE INTERNET The main objective of this solution is for you to have a website to give visibility to your business on the internet. Solution price: €1,500 – €3,500 Maximum aid: 0 < 3 employees: €2,000 3 < 9 employees: €2,000 10 < 50 employees: €2,000 Services and functionalities: Domain Hosting Website design Responsive website Accessibility Positioning Self-manageable Basic SEO E-COMMERCE The main objective of this solution is to create your own website for buying and selling products and/or services that uses digital media for their exchange. In addition to giving visibility to your brand, you will have an e-commerce or online store. Solution price: €2,000 – €4,000 Maximum aid: 0 < 3 employees: €2,000 3 < 9 employees: €2,000 10 < 50 employees: €2,000 Services and functionalities: Creation of the online store or E-Commerce and registration of the product catalog Payment methods Responsive Design Accessibility Basic positioning on the internet Self-manageable Shipping methods CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT The main objective of this solution is to digitize and optimize the management of commercial relationships with your customers. Solution price: €2,000 / user Maximum aid: 0 < 3 employees: €2,000 3 < 9 employees: €2,000 10 < 50 employees: €4,000 Services and functionalities: Customer management: you will be able to store and consult the data of each of your customers, from their registration as a business opportunity, and simulate the purchase of products or the hiring of services. Management of Potential Customers (Leads): you can register new Leads manually or through a file import. The data associated with the Leads will allow you to manage the sales with the aim of converting them into customers. Additionally, you can parameterize business rules for the assignment of Leads according to different criteria. Opportunity management: you will have the possibility to manage all the business opportunities that involve sending offers and quotes to the potential client or Lead. In addition, you will be able to check the status of each opportunity (in analysis, offer submitted, negotiation, won, canceled, etc.). Business actions or tasks: The tool implemented by the Digitizing Agent of your choice will allow you to create business actions and tasks, both manually and automatically. Reporting, planning and commercial monitoring: you can track using indicators (KPIs), list of opportunities, and others, with different levels of information aggregation depending on your needs. You can also generate reports to track and monitor your commercial activity, including efficiency ratios, phase status, pipeline and other measurable attributes (such as products, quotes, etc.), and according to channels, profiles, roles and/or commercial phases. These reports can show, at least, monthly, accumulated and/or comparative data between different commercial years. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYTICS The main objective of this solution is to enable the exploitation of your company's data to improve the decision-making process. Solution price: 1,000 - 2,000€ / user Maximum aid: 0 < 3 employees: €1,500 3 < 9 employees: €2,000 10 < 50 employees: €4,000 Services and functionalities: Data integration with other databases: you will have access to other databases and the ability to make comparisons with the data displayed. Data storage: You will have a storage capacity of at least 1 GB per user. Creation of structured and visual data panels: you will have personalized data panels with relevant data and different forms of visualization. Data export: you can export data to images or Excel documents, creating synergies and compatibilities with different programs that you commonly use. PROCESS MANAGEMENT The main objective of this solution is to digitize and/or automate your business processes, related to operational or productive aspects. Solution price: 500 - 700€ / user Maximum aid: 0 < 3 employees: €500 3 < 9 employees: €2,000 10 < 50 employees: €6,000 Services and functionalities: Digitization and/or automation of processes and workflows: You will have digitized and/or automated processes such as: Accounting/finance: accounts receivable/payable, asset management and generation of closings and balance sheets, etc. Data export: you can export data to images or Excel documents, creating synergies and compatibilities with different programs that you commonly use. Commercial: streamline and improve the commercial process.
- Avís Legal | Univer
Legal notice The website and domain correspond to Univer Comercial B2B with CIF: B56897903 domiciled at Llibretat street, 159 3C, 17820- Banyoles, tel. 972 07 67 62 at Propietat intel·lectual i industrial Els continguts d’aquest lloc, incloent-hi els textos, imatges i dissenys gràfics, pertanyen a Univer Comercial B2B amb CIF: B56897903 , o a tercers que n’han autoritzat el seu ús específicament en el seu lloc web. Univer Comercial B2B presenta aquests continguts amb finalitats d’informació i publicitat. Univer Comercial B2B n’autoritza la utilització exclusivament per difondre els seus productes o serveis. Qualsevol utilització d’aquests dissenys, imatges o textos haurà de citar expressament la seva pertinença a Univer Comercial B2B, que es reserva el dret a iniciar les accions legals oportunes per reparar els danys i perjudicis causats per qualsevol acte que vulneri els seus drets de propietat intel·lectual o industri al. No s’autoritza la utilització dels logotips, dissenys, marques o altres signes distintius de Univer Comercial B2B ni dels clients de Univer Comercial B2B Ssense autorització expressa, prèvia i per escrit dels respectius titulars dels drets. Responsabilitat sobre els continguts Tot i que Univer Comercial B2B actua amb el màxim de diligència possible, es pot donar el cas que alguna dada o informació no estigui del tot actualitzada en el moment que l’usuari del lloc web el consulti. Per aixòUniver Comercial B2B manifesta que les referències dels productes i preus que es presenten en el seu lloc web tenen una funció orientativa i no obliguen a Univer Comercial B2B fins a la confirmació expressa d’una comanda. Univer Comercial B2B no es fa responsable de la informació que es pugui obtenir a través d’enllaços inclosos en el lloc. Condicions d'ús L’ús d’aquest web implica l’acceptació plena dels termes i condicions del present avís legal. Els possibles conflictes relatius a aquest web es regiran exclusivament pel dret de l’Estat espanyol. Tota persona usuària del web, independentment de la jurisdicció territorial des de la qual es produeixi el seu accés, accepta el compliment i respecte d’aquestes clàusules.
- Gestió de la cartera de clients | Univer Comercial Services | Màrqueting i comerç
Transformem dades en oportunitats, i connexions en relacions duradores. Descobreix el poder de prendre decisions informades, impulsem la retenció i convertim cada interacció en una oportunitat de creixement continu. Consulting and Training Optimize your business growth We empower your capabilities, transforming your team with our Consulting and Training service. We develop a solid knowledge base, immerse ourselves in your processes and generate a positive impact on your results. Request your quote Specialized team With a single investment, access a team of consultants and trainers dedicated to boosting your business capabilities. We maximize efficiency and minimize costs. Lower investment Forget about worries about expensive software, high salaries and operational expenses. With Univer, you get a comprehensive service through a single monthly fee, ensuring an optimal return on investment. Guaranteed results We are committed to ensuring the success of your team and we will not rest until we achieve the goals set out in our Consulting and Training campaign. Your growth is our priority. How do we do it? All our training and consultancy are personalized according to your goals, needs and sales team. These are the steps we follow to develop the training, to ensure that it is a success. Department analysis We understand your current practices, identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Collaborating with your team, we establish the specific goals and objectives of the training. Definition of objectives Training design We create a program adapted to your needs, addressing aspects such as sales techniques, customer management, among others. Request your quote Fill out the form and we will send you a customized quote. Acceptar avisos legals Enviar
- Contacte | Serveis Marketing · Comercial Services
Contact us 682 77 06 12 972 07 67 62 Liberty Street 159 3C, Banyoles, 17820 Univer Commercial Services Acceptar avisos legals Enviar
- Telemàrqueting | Univer Comercial Services | Màrqueting
Des d'Univer t'ajudem augmentar entre un 30% i un 100% les teves vendes, a través de les nostres campayes de telemarketing personalitzades. Campaign of: Telemarketing We transform your potential customers into real customers, generating impact on your sales. We create a database with all the information about your potential customers , we contact them and generate interest in your solutions in order to schedule a commercial visit . Request your quote Specialized team With just one fee, you have a sales and marketing team working to publicize your solutions. Lower cost per lead Forget about paying for specialized software, worker salaries, or space and get everything with a fixed fee. Sales We guarantee a return on investment, we secure your customers and we don't stop until we achieve the campaign objectives. Success rate We are committed to your commercial success, which is why our Telemarketing campaigns guarantee a minimum success rate, which is achieved thanks to our precise and consistent methodology. 100 potential customers 10 are interested 1 ends up being a customer Out of every 100 potential customers, 10 are interested and 1 ends up being a loyal customer. Learn about success stories Univer Method A proprietary work methodology created based on our ten years of experience in the market. We know how to develop commercial campaigns that have a real impact on your sales, these are the precise steps we carry out to guarantee results. Goal setting We establish the objectives for the campaign, such as generating leads, increasing sales or recapturing inactive customers. We define and segment the target audience according to: size, turnover, geographical area, etc. Target audience segmentation We develop a persuasive and well-structured script, with relevant information and possible objections. Commercial speech of the campaign Campaign tracking For us, transparency is an essential aspect, which is why our clients have four ways to observe our work. Reunions Calendari Online Informes Through a shared calendar we will bring you the agenda of new meetings with potential clients, in this way we will ensure your availability, good organization and easy management. We meet monthly to inform you of the status or monitor the campaign, so that you are always up to date with all the latest news. At Univer we give you access to our own CRM so that not only can you see the status of the campaign in real time, but you can also access all the information about potential customers that we collect during the campaign. Daily, weekly or monthly, depending on what we agree on, we will send you a report with the status of the campaign, so that you can stay up to date on the evolution and the results that are being achieved. Why Univer? Save time and resources by hiring a team of commerce experts We work with a focus on results, which guarantees your success in the market. We help you enter new markets, so you can grow sustainably and have a competitive advantage. Commercial efficiency from minute one, thanks to our experience and technical knowledge Discover more about us Request your quote Fill out the form and we will send you a customized quote. Acceptar avisos legals Enviar
- T'ajudem a exportar els teus productes | Especialistes en comerç internacional | Univer Commercial Services | Girona
Des D'univer t'ajudem a portar el teus productes i serveis a l'estranger, perquè conquistis nous mercats i acceleris les teves vendes. A través de les campanyes de telemarketing i Social Selling per a B2B personalitzades. Conquer new markets Export your potential: get opportunities and increase your sales Exporting is a strategic path for business growth and sustainable expansion. At Univer we generate international commercial opportunities so you can increase your visibility and brand recognition . Request your quote Specialized advice Count on experts in international trade, saving you time and costs We identify profitable markets Make sure to focus your efforts on markets with high demand. Brand growth and presence Increase your presence and reputation in the international market Export methodology A proprietary work methodology created based on our ten years of experience in the market. We know how to develop commercial campaigns that have a real impact on your sales, these are the precise steps we carry out to guarantee results. Market research We exhaustively analyze the market to understand demand and competition. We prepare a detailed report with the preferences and entry barriers of our market niche. Identification of the target audience We make a concise and segmented list of potential clients. Potential customer database Campaign tracking For us, transparency is an essential aspect, which is why our clients have four ways to observe our work. Reunions Calendari Online Informes Through a shared calendar we will bring you the agenda of new meetings with potential clients, in this way we will ensure your availability, good organization and easy management. We meet monthly to inform you of the status or monitor the campaign, so that you are always up to date with all the latest news. At Univer we give you access to our own CRM so that not only can you see the status of the campaign in real time, but you can also access all the information about potential customers that we collect during the campaign. Daily, weekly or monthly, depending on what we agree on, we will send you a report with the status of the campaign, so that you can stay up to date on the evolution and the results that are being achieved. Specialists Collective restoration Specialists Industrial sector Specialists Technology sector Why Univer? Save time and resources by hiring a team of international trade experts We work with a focus on results, which guarantees your success in the international market. We help you enter new markets, so you can grow sustainably and gain a competitive advantage. Commercial efficiency from the very beginning, thanks to our experience and technical knowledge Discover more about us Request your quote Fill out the form and we will send you a customized quote. Acceptar avisos legals Enviar
- Política de cookies | Univer
Cookie policy Definition and function of cookies A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of the user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which they use their computer, they can be used to recognize the user. This website, like most sites on the Internet, uses cookies to improve and optimize the user experience. Below you will find detailed information about the type of Cookies that this website uses, how you can disable them in your browser and how to specifically block the installation of third-party Cookies. Types of cookies used by the website and their purpose. The use of Cookies allows us to facilitate user navigation and adapt the information and services we offer to their interests. Cookies are used both permanently and temporarily (session cookies). Permanent cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device for a period of time not exceeding 24 months. We use our own and third-party cookies to collect statistical data in an aggregated manner through the data provided to us by your use. Type Purpose PHPSESSID OPERATION ANALYTICS_gat, _gat, __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmt, __utmz These cookies are used to improve your browsing experience and to improve the functioning of our website. They store service configurations so that you do not have to reconfigure them every time you visit us. These cookies are used to collect information about the use of our website by visitors. We use the information to prepare reports and to improve the website. These cookies are associated only with an anonymous user and their computer / device without providing references that allow personal data to be known. They collect the number of visitors to the site, the time that visits last, the browser, the type of terminal, the place of origin of the visitors and the pages visited. Registration cookies are created when you register or log in to our website, to access certain areas of the portal or to keep you identified while you do not close the session. Cookie processing The information obtained from the processing of cookies is processed by the person responsible for the website. What happens if Cookies are disabled? You can access your browser settings at any time to modify and/or block the installation of cookies. This may mean that some features are disabled and that access to some content may be limited. The quality of the services may be affected. How to deactivate or delete cookies To allow, view, block or delete cookies installed on your computer, you can do so by configuring the browser options on your computer. You can find information on how to do this if you use one of the following deniers: Internet Explorer Safari Google Chrome Google Firefox Opera Android Windows Phone You can also easily delete cookies from your computer or mobile device using your browser. For instructions on how to manage and delete cookies, go to the "Help" tab of your browser. You can disable cookies or receive a notification each time a new cookie is sent to your computer or mobile device. There are tools available online that allow users to detect cookies on each website they visit, and manage their deactivation (for example, Ghostery:, http://www .
- Social Selling | Serveis Marketing | Comercial Services
Sector Collective restoration 35 complete databases 54k purchasing decision maker detected 87k billing generated from campaigns 578 new customers generated as a result of the campaigns Main interlocutors Databases Managing Director Operations Manager Nutritionist or food manager Head chef Food quality and safety generet Catering operations manager Head of logistics and distribution Hospitals, medical centers and clinics Residences for the elderly School and university cafeterias Correctional and detention centers Companies with dining service Corporate, institutional and social events The collective restoration in Catalonia The most comprehensive study on community services School cafeterias Hospitals Penitentiary centers Companies Residences
- Nosaltres | Serveis Marketing · Comercial Services
Who are we? We are a sales assistant outsourcing company based in Girona, with over 10 years of experience in the fields of sales, marketing and market research. We support managers, sales directors, marketing directors and their teams in achieving their sales and marketing goals. Our mission is clear: we drive our clients' sales with the aim of increasing their revenue, expanding their product range and strengthening their customer base. We are committed to our clients' success and work diligently to provide customized solutions that drive the growth and prosperity of their businesses. 0 years of experience 314 projects carried out k 42 leads contacted per year Why Univer? Save time and resources by hiring a team of experts in the field of commerce and marketing We work with a focus on results, we guarantee results from the campaigns we work on. We help you grow sustainably and have a competitive advantage Commercial efficiency from the first minute, thanks to our experience and knowledge of the markets. Our values This is how we work and communicate at Univer in all aspects, among ourselves, with our clients and our collaborators. We are a team committed to doing things well. Transparency Our clients can track campaigns in real time. Professionalism Univer is made up of a specialized team that allows us to develop 360º campaigns. Passion and dedication We enjoy each campaign, and we dedicate ourselves to it with all our heart. Adaptability We adapt and understand the specific needs and objectives of each company. Constancy and resolution They are the key to our methodology, this is how we achieve our objectives and guarantee success. Fidelity The relationships with our clients go further, they are our partners. Do you want to work with us? Fill out the form and we will contact you to have a coffee. Acceptar avisos legals Enviar